Monday, February 05, 2007


(begun on Sunday, January 14, 2007)


I’m very much into blogging. I read approximately 40 blogs a day. I rarely, if ever respond, however. Perhaps I should, to hone my weak and moribund writing skills. I really need to get back into the writing game. There is no excuse for me not to give a minimum of 30 minutes a day to writing – 30 minutes a day, every day. This can easily be added to my less than robust schedule. It is what I like to do; it is what I am good at, but it is also something I have to do regularly. I have to find a way (like I did with my Monday Memo work at St. Pat’s lo those many years ago) to find a niche for my particular kind of humour and my particular bent of mind, twisted as it might be.
I really cannot explain why all my blogs are American and that they all deal with American politics, particularly national politics and, even more particularly, deal with the presidency of one George W. Bush. It is not unlike how I used to devour the Canadian newspapers when Mike Harris was Premier of Ontario. His bullying, ham-fisted ways made him an easy target for my vituperativeness and my venting of spleen. Thus with Dubya as well. His sheer incompetence, his indifference, his indolence, his stupidity are without parallel. He truly is not only the worst president ever; he may also be the worst politician ever! He is that egregiously dreadful.
Perhaps it is because I am drawn to train wrecks that I follow so closely the workings, the machinations of incompetent blowhards. It is the distinct pleasure I get from knocking their silk top hats a kilter with a well aimed snowball (verbal projectile). There is something deep inside me that wants to expose and punish those who would use their power and wealth to punish those who are less fortunate and less favoured than they. It makes me feel good, not superior, to bring down the high and mighty as they try to use their influence and position of power to look after their rich and powerful friends. I cannot countenance that kind of naked abuse of power and privilege; it makes me see red and attack these types verbally and in print. It gives me a feeling of doing something worthwhile and edifying.
Which leads me to the distinct possibility of beginning my own blog, alas; I would be forced to dabble in American politics from a Canadian perspective. I’m sure Americans will be less than thrilled to have a Canuck, a left-leaning Canuck at that, lecturing, opining on American politics. The right and its extreme wing, where all the most outrageous and vile nutbars and neocons reside, would be in a righteous uproar. I would learn two things for sure straight away: blog honestly and competently and develop an extra layer of Naugahyde skin for that toughness so necessary for political battles in America.
A considerable problem with having my own blog would be the tremendous amount of time needed to attend to its growth and maintenance of a solid, albeit Canadian viewpoint. The more I think about this the more I like it. One problem for sure will be the fishing season; I would need to have Internet access at Pine Point or I would have to impose upon Bill and Kris to use their Internet in the office. This may be dicey because they might be Republicans; ooohh… I shudder at the thought of using their good graces and offices to impugn and rail against their party. Although I am quite sure I will find some very easy Democratic targets to zero in on as well. One thing about politicians in Canada and the United States: they will never cease to not provide fodder for my particular grist mill.
It’s interesting that I began this column talking about blogging and how much I enjoy reading them, but that I do not respond very often, and now I’m talking about starting my own blog where I would be writing reams and reams of verbiage – all of it brilliant, of course. Of course.


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