Sunday, January 03, 2010

It's been awhile

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It’s been awhile since I wrote anything to put on my blog, but I suppose it’s a New Year’s resolution come a few days early. I see already that Microsoft Word is annoying me. They are trying to tell me that ‘it’s’ is used incorrectly. It’s NOT! Alas, some things never change. However, I do not want to waste my time talking about the many problems with Word. I want to get back into the writing game, and the only way I know how to do that is WRITE! Already I’m beginning to annoy myself – using CAPS and exclamation marks. Give it a rest, Ed.
I’m still a big reader of blogs that comment at length on the completely dysfunctional American political system; I’ve been doing this for years now, and the unfortunate thing is that no matter how much sense these bloggers make, it has virtually no influence whatsoever on how America conducts its daily political business. I have a few theories about why this is so. Who knows? Someone might actually agree with me.
The Republican Party, despite being out of power, still wields tremendous influence, far outstripping their supposed inability to win office in any significant numbers. Why? They dominate all aspects of the American media. How do they do this? Mainly by working an egregiously compliant press to join them in positioning the Democratic Party as weak and ineffectual. And it works.
Despite the impressive and persuasive writing on the part of many in the blogosphere, the American public generally and hopelessly stupidly takes their political cues from serial liars and ass kissers of the first rank on the TV and the major newspapers and magazines. The term IOIYAR is so thoroughly appropriate, and the bloggers cannot make a dent of any size or shape to reach the vast majority of the American people who seem to be very much at ease with their incredible lack of awareness about anything that affects them deeply – things like health care and joblessness.
The fact that virtual everyone is predicting that Republicans will gain seats in the elections of 2010 pretty well tells you all you have to know about their thinking and lack of awareness. Which brings me to a significant, I think, point: what the hell is wrong with Americans? I do not know of another country that has a citizenry that is so ignorant about the goings on in their government. When you have so many people who are utterly unaware of what is being done in their name by their government, and they don’t seem to care. The American people yawned and snoozed through eight years of the worst administration ever in the history of the republic, and only the bloggers and a few, very few other journalists who have made any attempt at all to bring to light the many nefarious law-breaking that went on unimpeded during the Bush administration and continues, sadly to say, during the first year of the Obama administration.
If I were a blogger who has spent as much time as the liberal bloggers have in trying to bring attention to the perilous plight of America, I would be frustrated to the extreme. No matter how cogent their arguments, no matter how persuasive their writing, the Republicans simply ignore all the facts thrown in their face and scream inanities like ‘socialism,’ ‘Nazism,’ and all sorts of other ridiculous commentary, and the mainstream media gives these fools a national platform to spout their invective and venom with little or no consequences for their hatred and gross stupidity. The thing is that the Republicans don’t care. They have hides as thick as Naugahyde and they have absolutely no shame. They lie and cheat with impunity, and the mainstream media gives them a free pass every time. Nice work if you can get it that’s for sure.
I’m coming to the end of my first blog in a long, long time. I know it blows big time, but I have to start somewhere and it might well be here. Yes, I’m going to publish this drivel on my blog to show myself and the world how bad things can be and yet believe I am capable of much more.


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