Saturday, November 30, 2013

Writing #5 - Sunday, November 24, 13

I just watched a 48-minute video of Bill Moyers interviewing Henry Giroux. Mr. Giroux is an academic, born in the United States, but teaches at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. He was a very persuasive and articulate. Basically he talked about how America is no longer a democratic country but a country that has been taken completely over by moneyed interests, especially the 1% and giant corporations. They alone run America. They are particularly aligned against the poor and giving everyone in the United States a good, solid education.
These people have been ably supported by the Republican Party and, although Giroux did not mention it, the media, especially the Villagers that inhabit Washington, DC and are beautifully labeled ‘Tiger Beat on the Potomac’ by the incomparable Charlie Pierce. These two entities the GOP and the media have done their absolute utmost to make sure that the rich get richer at the cost of all other Americans.
I realize I read liberal blogs, but there is a certain gravitas, a certain verisimilitude to their commentary that makes it compelling cogent and truthful. As noted comedian, Stephen Colbert once opined, ‘the truth has a liberal bias.’ The conservatives in America, much like their conservative brethren in Canada tend to be, how shall I put this diplomatically, not too bright. They certainly are not nearly as articulate or urbane as their liberal counterparts. This is simply a fact that bears itself out every single day whenever a Republican or a Democrat opens his or her mouth.
I think a major reason for this is the simple fact that conservatives on both sides of the border have no real connection with their constituents. These politicians pay heed only to their rich masters. They pay homage to the people who pour millions into their campaign coffers and thus do whatever their betters insist they do. One thing they never do is pay any attention to all the people who voted for them, especially if they are poor. They do virtually no governing, if they are in power, but spend most of their time looking for more money to finance their next run for government.
So why are these low intelligence, easily influenced mooks successful at getting elected. I’m not sure in Canada how they do it, but in America it is relatively easy to hoodwink the electorate: first they are for the most part low-information voters who get their so-called information from 24-7 hate radio talking heads; their video fixes from FOX news – the propaganda arm of the Republican Party or is the Republican Party the little boy toy of Rubert Murdoch? Who knows? Who cares? The point is that the American people, in general, are among the dumbest fucking people on earth. This is the only reason the Republican Party as it presently is constituted still exists.
It also makes them formidable because they have stacked the Supreme Court with right wing ideologues who toe the ultra conservative line. What is the ultra conservative line? It is do everything in your power to make sure the rich get richer and the not so rich are not allowed to in any way to be provided with any largesse from the government. To a Republican the government’s sole role is to cut taxes on the rich, punish the poor and less fortunate, and ensure there is a strong and thoroughly corrupt and greedy military. How do you like those apples?
Then there is health care; Congressmen Allan said it best: the Republican answer to health care in the United States of America is simple: if you get sick, die quickly.  There you have it. Can you imagine that these people have children and grandchildren? What will the spawn of these monsters turn out to be like? I’ve often thought about starting a blog addressed to the children and grandchildren of Republican politicians whether they be nationwide Senators, state senators, Congressmen, even city aldermen. I would ask these young people, many of them would be in their 30s or older what it’s like to live in a conservative household. Are your parents as religious as they espouse to be? Are your parents strict with you regarding dating? Are your parents keenly interested in what happens at school? Do they fly off  the handle when you come home and hear them talking about things their teachers have said that is in direct contradiction with what Rush Limbaugh, everyone at FOX news, and the Koch brothers have told your parents to say.
What do you children think of the tea party crowd? Have you ever met one of them? What was your impression? Please give me a detailed account of this meeting. Did you find them to be sincere, intelligent, and believable? Please explain carefully.


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