Sunday, March 04, 2007

Saturday/Sunday Blogging

Saturday Night/Sunday Afternoon Blogging

The Leafs are on TV tonight (go, Sabres!); the Wings are on tomorrow afternoon; I might as well blog tonight to keep myself sane and away from that demon rum. Tomorrow I’ll begin marking my 3251 stuff and have that done by early in the week. Then I’ll do everyone’s marks, submit them to the powers that be who will then, if they are happy, send them to the registrar to be sent to you soon, I suppose.
Those who presented this week will receive their marks and comments (I’ll simply type up what I wrote down during your presentations and send them just to the group). I just did this now; I think you would rather have your marks than listen to me ramble on.
Back to the rambling: one thing you will notice in your career is that some classes are much, much better than others. You will find that if a certain student is away that the entire atmosphere in the class is different. I now call this the ‘Terry’ phenomena. Students in YA will know whom I am speaking about (note the correct use of whom). But I digress.
It is now 4:00p.m. The Wings have lost in overtime to Colorado. Our goaltending continues to suck. I just finished marking 3251 reflection papers (10 of them). I’ll do 15 tomorrow, 15 on Tuesday and complete their marks. I’ll then do all of your marks and submit them by the end of the week (March 9). While I’m blogging, I’m watching ‘Nigella Feasts’ (it used to be called ‘Nigella Bites’). She certainly enjoys her food and she talks with her mouth full, which I like because it shows her love of food over proper etiquette. It is a British show, I think. Which is kind of strange when you think about it; the British would have a show on food? Hmm…
Tonight we have our monthly cards. I really don’t like poker; I’m not good at it, and I really am not a gambling person. I do like the camaraderie though: the food and the beer. We play $15 poverty poker (that was my idea); I don’t mind losing 15 bucks for an evening of manly entertainment where the BS and the fish get bigger, if not better. I’ll post this now, not because it’s good but because I can’t think of anything else to say. I must await the muse to motivate and move me.