Republican Children
Blog for April 9, 2011
I’ve been thinking of talking about what happens in the homes of Republican politicians with their spouses, children and, perhaps, grandchildren. How do these ultra phony people explain to their spouses and their offspring what it is they do and why they make the ridiculous comments they make on a daily, if not hourly basis? I would also like to interview the parents of Republican politicians to try to ascertain the incredible depths their offspring will go to support the richest people on earth while they completely ignore the rest of their constituents.
I would love to meet the parents of these buffoons and ask them point blank: was Bubba always this obtuse, this idiotic, and this hateful when he was younger? When did he begin to show the telltale signs of being a complete and utter asshole? Did you encourage this in your child? Are you proud of what he/she has accomplished? What goes through your mind as you watch your beloved country going hell bound for the dumpster with your child leading the way?
What do the children and grandchildren of Republicans read? What books do they read, what children’s programs do they watch? How do the elder Republicans keep their offspring away from science? What schools can they enroll their children in and still make sure the teachers are drinking the Republican Kool-Aid? You really have to hand it to them: since Reagan was president, the right wing has spent an entire generation plus in denying virtually every scientifically-generated report on everything from the climate to pollution to the actual age of the earth, and the wing nuts deny it all. My question remains: how do they convince their children that all of this scientific evidence is bogus? What, indeed, do mater and pater do to make their kids toe the party line?
What goes on at the supper table in a Repub’s home when the kids come home from school? Are the kids allowed to defend their teachers’ views about science, history, religion, anything really, and not make their parents look like fools? How, indeed, do the ‘adults’ in a Republican home explain in a rational way that their kids’ teachers are wrong?
I guess what I’m really talking about here is what will become of these poor, thoroughly misinformed children, as they move through life? I think I know though: they will replace their parents and grandparents and see that being utterly obtuse about what is happening in the world around them and just wait to earn their money the Republican way – they’ll inherit it! But I digress.
What happens in Republican households when the children question the budget proposed by Paul Ryan? What happens when the kids quote Paul Krugman and many others about the sheer insanity of the proposal: the ridiculous miscalculations, the ludicrous slant it gives to serious problems that confront America? What do mom and dad say? If their children have a modicum of intelligence and honesty, how do the parents counteract the many questions the kids will have? What if grandma will most definitely be affected by this outrageous excuse to give more tax breaks to the rich?
Interesting questions, indeed. Do Republicans force their children to follow slavishly the party line? How in God’s green earth do they make their children in any way follow their increasingly bogus values?
I was watching “The Dinosaur Train” with my 15-month-old grandson this morning; actually I watch it every day with him. I think it’s a wonderful show. It’s lively, interesting, and educational. I wonder if the children and grandchildren of Republicans are allowed to watch it? I would think not. There would be far too much explaining to do to their offspring, especially when Dr. Scott explains how old these remarkable creatures are. That’s one thing Republicans have a lot of trouble with – facts! Alas, they are forced to bring their children up as incredibly ignorant and fact-denying young people in order to maintain the Republican aura of the stupid.
Because stupid is the only thing that can possibly make these people continue to carry on as they do and keep raising the ante on the stupid.