“The Iraq War”
I’m presently watching “Meet the Press” with Tim Russert and presidential hopeful and ex-Senator, John Edwards. I like Edwards; I’m not sure I trust or like Russert. I find him to be an equivocator and a tool, and I mean a ‘tool’ of the Republic Party as well. They are discussing Edwards’ position on the Iraq war at the lead up and the early years of the war. Edwards has been forthright about his mistake about his early support for President Bush and the war. He continuously and fervently and honestly, I think, apologized for being dead wrong about his support for these abysmally prosecuted and pathetically weak excuses for starting the war in the first place.
As I’ve said before I am intrigued by American politics; I’m also thoroughly alarmed by them too. It would appear that our friend (yours and mine), President Bush, will be taking his Iraq war on the road to Iran. It is just not Bush, of course, who is pursuing this disquieting route to hegemony in the Middle East. He has lots of company, led by, the de facto, president of the United States, Dick Cheney and his disturbing band of neocon nutjobs. Bush, as usual, allows himself to be propelled along these disastrous courses but makes sure he does not miss one of his workout times; priorities, you know.
I really believe as these scary events unfold that we, the international community, are witnessing the demise of the American empire. George Bush has almost single-handedly brought American power and prestige to its knees. Pretty impressive, you must admit, for something he has been able to accomplish in less than six years. This incurious, indolent man has supervised (I’m not sure if that is the right word) his country’s remarkable destruction right before his too-close-set eyes. For all intents and purposes, Japan, and especially, China own America. The Americans owe hundreds of billions of dollars to each of these creditor nations. Because Bush refuses to tax the rich and the super rich in America, he must pay for his Iraq war by borrowing from these two nations. The children and certainly the grandchildren of present day Americans will be left with this huge bill to pay. But Bush does not care, by that time he will be dead and universally acknowledged as the worst American president ever!
An interesting, and even more disturbing aside to all of this is the posture of the Republic party. They have circled the wagons on this war and are steadfast in their support of Bush, their leader. The Republicans, who have shown an interest in running for president in 2008, have to a man continued to mouth the GOP talking points; it’s as if the disaster that is Bush/Cheney never happened. It is clear, at least to me, that the Republic party will continue to bow to the most extreme and wingnuttery flanks within their party. They will attack mercilessly and without any sense of decency anyone and everyone who dare disagree with their policies and their divisive and purely partisan planks in their platform.
In this they will be ably supported by a compliant and lazy national press and FOX News, as well as certain high profile newspapers throughout America. Until these Americans realize how disastrous this cozy and inherently evil partnership continues to cripple American government at home and abroad. The key word here that explains too thoroughly, I’m afraid, is the greed that is the basis for the Republic party and too many people who share in this short-sighted and wrongheaded policy.
In other words, it will be the same old, same old. It is too clear that the Republic party has no intention of changing, nor has it shown any sense of learning from all their mistakes in government the past six years. That they will elect no one to office in two years is a clear and present possibility. Just remember what Brian Mulroney did to the Progressive Conservative party of Canada in the 1980s. Did they not have but two members for the entire country? They could have, and perhaps did, caucus in a phone booth.